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Among the many challenges facing Tanzania, forest loss and land degradation stand out. 3% of the total GDP is lost annually due to deforestation, and the most affected people are rural small holder farmers and communities whose activities depend on stable weather conditions, healthy soils and tree cover.
Pwani region is ranked with the highest deforestation between the years 2010 and 2019. The country has witnessed long seasons of dryness, floods in some places and the possibility of desertification in some areas like Dodoma Singida and Shinyanga.
WWF Tanzania is implementing a forest landscape restoration project that aima at contributing to livelihoods and conservation through an improved policy framework and strengthens the political participation of civil society actors for forest landscape restoration in the AFR 100 process
By 2024, in Tanzania a national strategy and policy framework is in place or improved (e.g. including functional benefit sharing and participative resource management mechanisms for local communities and ensures fair access to forest land and resources). Key policies to be addressed/ improved: AFR100 FLR action Plan/ Strategy, Tanzania charcoal Policy, Access to Benefit Sharing (ABS) Legislation and National Forest Stewardship Standard
By 2024, 40,000 ha of coastal forests and Miombo woodlands are restored/ under restoration through preventing wildfires and illegal clearings, implementation of sustainable management and enrichment planting /afforestation
By 2024, 100 ha of small holder farmers have been rehabilitated through conservation agriculture and improved value chains for Sesame and other relevant crops such as sunflower and maize
By 2024, improved exchange between partners enable scaling of project’s good practices – including incorporation of social safeguards – on national and international level
Plant a tree today or talk to your networks on the need to restore our Tanzania Landscape. Follow us on Twitter Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for more discussions

Forest habitats around East Usambara Mountains experience significant pressure from various anthropogenic activities. Among them includes ...

“Conservation is one of our God-given responsibilities. "Planting trees is faith, not education." - Regional Administrative Secretary ...

In Africa, forests are considered sacred as they provide shelter and food for many people, plants and animals. WWF shares these sentiments, stating ...